Oxford History Tours Blog
A journal of historical meanders and travel and practical tips to intrigue and help you enjoy Oxford like a local.
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Free to see
There is much in Oxford that can be visited without guide and without an entry fee.
Here are some suggestions…
Attend world class live choral music in one of Oxford’s glorious venues …
Punting only became popular with ladies and gentlemen in the 19th century. Today a punt is for everybody.
Blue Badge, Green Badge, White Badge
Have you ever wondered what the differences are between Green Badge guide. Why green badge holders wear their badges as proudly as the Blue.
Arriving for a day trip in Oxford
When I returned to England from France Oxford was a much easier choice to land in than a return to the great metropolis of Londinium would have been.
Punting in Oxford
Punting only became popular with ladies and gentlemen in the 19th century. Today a punt is for everybody.
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