Today I was asked
Today my group had a a flat on their coach and missed their ferry from France.
We shifted their tour from 9.30 am to 4.30pm and by 5pm they were hungry and asked me if there was anywhere they could eat together for £10 other than Mc’Do’s. That is something I can help with. Visit the Business to Business page for more information
Today I was asked whether visitors should avoid coming to Oxford on graduation and matriculation days when the Sheldonian Theatre area, Divinity and Clarendon ‘Quads’ are closed to the public for part of the day.
It’s a personal choice of course. Clients usually choose to avoid it, but I would say ‘do it anyway’. You’ll see a more rare view of Oxford.
Usually you can come back later in the day and the inner sanctum of University ceremonies will be open again.
A client told me today
that they had once been told by a guide that nobody in Oxford did not pass (succeed… they were French) their degree at Oxford. This seemed incredible to them. Of course it isn’t true I said before making a note to check. I know many drop out before their ‘finals’, but in my personal experience I can heard of no-one who had actually failed.
The Norrington Tables , introduced in 1962 analyse academic persormance of colleges relative to each other but failure rates remain a private statistic. So there is a question I may never be able to answer.
Today I saw
a group obviously anxious to make the most of their time in Oxford looking confused around a map near the epicentre of Oxford’s grandiosity on Turl Street.
I asked if I could help and learnt that the group were from Argentina and wanted to see the School of Engineering.
It was clear that engineering was his passion and so he wanted to see the engineering school. I warned him that it was a fractured collection of overwhelmingly victorian and 1970’s type buildings and where they were, opposite University Parks.
He dismissed my scepticism about whether he would enjoy as much as he seemed to anticipate. My doubts dismissed in a way that was quite reassuring. Of course he would find much to fascinate him.
Today I was asked…
by a teenager
Is there a shop for graphic novels in Oxford?
I thought of the funky shops…
I didn’t mention Blackwells. I assumed it would be too straight laced… but of course as one of the biggest bookshops in the world it can be straightlaced… and not at the same time.
Today I was asked…
By my clients from Ghent on Assumption Day… 15th May
If we celebrate assumption day in the UK? A bank holiday in Belgium in recognition of the Virgin Mary rising up directly to heaven, thus evading mortal decay.
We don’t. And we rigorously destroyed all depictions of this miracle in the 16th century reformation and did a job of finishing the work already started during the English Civil War and Oliver Cromwell’s Republic in the 17th century.