Useful and Entertaining online resources

First and foremost some local people whose broadcasting I reckon…

Youtube channel by Oxford architectural historian

Our cohort had the great privilege of three introductory sessions from the history legend of St John’s College Dr William Whyte. He produces these entertaining and fun vignettes on unexpected corners of Oxford’s history.

Others local ‘blogs’ well forth the follow are:

Oxford Lives -

Podcast of Oxford conversations with Jeremy Allen. Discover the nuances of Oxford today

Oxford Lives Podcast

Morris Oxford

The name refers to one of Oxfords more recent and less sung Stars William Morris, not he of wallpaper fame but the Industrialist and philanthropsist from Oxford’s humble Victorian brick streets who invented the Morris Minor car and endowed Oxford University with 4 medical professorships.

The Oxford Sausage

A more recent arrival to the feast the Oxford Sausage casts a delightful historical spotlight on an Oxford excursion each sunday.


History Hits is a curated collection of of history podcasts.


What does that actually mean?


Alice Day - has turned into a weekend of Alice in Wonderland Events